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Math Majors of America Tournament for High Schools


Interest Form


Registration is currently closed, and will open once the official date for the competition is released.


- to assist universities in hosting their own math tournaments for schools within their state or region

- to provide a team-based competition that is accessible, both geographically and mathematically, to more high-school students

- to promote communication between undergraduate students in mathematics across the country

Please note that submitting this form is not confirmation that you will be attending the competition, simply an indication of interest. Our coaches will contact you separately if you have been selected to represent Random Math at MMATHS.




Yale University

Interest Form

1. Student Information

2. Parent Information

3. Contest Selection

What tournament are you registering for?
Which division of MOEMS?
What timeslot are you registering for?
What timeslot are you registering for?
After making the registration payment by clicking the button below, be sure to navigate back to this tab to complete registration. Your registration will NOT be recorded until this form is fully completed and submitted.
Pay Now
Pay Now 10A
Pay Now 10B

4. Agreements

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