Our Math Journey Through The Years

The boundless potential in youth
Manish trained his son Nilay to excel in math from a young age. At two years old, Nilay learned basic counting; at five, he was fluent in introductory algebra; and at age six, he began simple trigonometry.
In second grade, Nilay met Amol, another young student interested in mathematics. Manish decided to teach them math and puzzles, and the two became good friends.

Competitive math and MOEMs
One day, a MOEMs problems book at the library caught the two students' attention. Although they had never participated in any math competitions, they were newly fascinated by the problems in the book and determined to participate in an actual MOEMs competition. They formed their own MOEMs chapter, coached by Manish and Stuti, and competed in their first-ever math contest.

Growing Demand For Math Classes
To increase the competitions available for the two students, Manish and Stuti decided to open math classes to any interested students from Nilay's school. Once enrollment increased to over 20 students, they opted to move classes from their home to a nearby hotel conference room.
Initial classes generally focused on problem-solving and mathematics fundamentals, along with specific MOEMs coaching. Manish found that generally relaxed classes with occasional breaks maximized learning.

Initial competitive success
Manish found that students excelled when he integrated the approach of tackling math from both problem-solving and competitive perspectives into his coaching. After winning first place in almost every competition they attended, Random Math organized its own regional competition, the Silicon Valley Math Tournament. The massive turnout showed Manish the many eager, motivated, and intelligent students in the greater community.

Random Math Inc. - Competitive Math Training
In 2015, Manish and Stuti officially founded Random Math. The incredible interest they had observed from students across the area motivated them to design the organization around learning math fundamentals through the lens of problem-solving and competition.
Random Math soon became winners in many contests, including the Pi Math Contest (PMC), the Berkeley mini Math Tournament (BmMT), and MOEMS.

Continued growth and expansion
Over the past years, Random Math has continued growth in student success. As of 2023, Random Math has 21 USA(J)MO Qualifiers and over 125 AIME Qualifiers. Random Math strives to provide the highest quality of education and to invest fully in each of its students. The future is nothing short of bright!